Stay in the Know with the Whittier PTO


Check out this Spring's PTO Plant Catalogue and double down with these delicious DO-RITE DONUTS to make this Mother's Day a Sprinkles-and-Sprouts kind of celebration!

Pre-Order: February 10th - March 16th
Pick Up: Saturday, May 10th

Thank you from Spanish Class

Thank You from Señora Aguirre

The PTO helps with teacher supply requests for their classrooms or curriculums to help make learning more fun, accessible, and — in this case — comfortable. Thanks to your donations throughout the year and attendance at our events, we are able to say “yes” to requests like these when we receive them!

So, from Señora Aguirre to the PTO and to you, “The kids and I are very thankful to you and PTO for getting us a new rug for everyone! I am very thankful, and the kiddos will be excited to sit on a new much bigger carpet!”

Whittier Book Clubs

Book Clubs are Filling Up; We Still Need Session Leaders!

Thank you for all the interest in Whittier Book Clubs! We already have some good participation and clubs are filling up. We still are seeking moderators to help host the Book Club sessions. Sign up with a friend to make it even more fun! The PTO will provide materials and discussion starters - and the kids do the rest! Interested? Take a look at open sessions here.

Remember: save the date for Book Club Night on Tuesday, March 4th at 5:30pm.


  1. Your child chooses a book or books they want to read. Or choose a book to read as a family.
  2. They can pick up a hard copy (reserved at Dole) or read it digitally through Hoopla. You will need a library card for both.
  3. Decide if you want to sign up for a book club to join the discussion on Book Club Night, March 4th (note: you will need to login to sign up). Book Club members will receive fun incentives like buttons and stickers along the way and will get first access to pick a book from The Little Library!

Don’t forget to gather some gently used books for Pre-K - 6th graders to donated to our little free library cart. Look for the big blue donation box in front of the school coming February 18!

View the Book List Sign Up

Retro Reqind Save the Date

Donations Needed for our Silent Auction

It’s back! Come enjoy a night of dancing through decades and repping your best era. We had an amazing time last year, and we’re sure to throw another excellent event for you to let loose and enjoy a kid-free night. Mark your calendars and book your babysitters — you won’t want to miss this event!

Date: April 26, 2025
Time: 6 - 10:00 p.m.
Venue: Cheney Mansion
What: Music, Trivia, Dinner, Drinks, Dancing, Silent Auction

One of the main events at our Adult Fundraiser Throwback Bash is the silent auction. We depend on donations from our community and families to make the auction a success. Please consider what items or experiences you might have that you can donate to include in the auction. The Whittier PTO is a certified non-profit and all your donations are tax deductible!

Potential (and popular) options to consider donating:

  • A lake house or vacation home weekend away
  • A ticket package to a local sports or entertainment event
  • A season pass to museums or cultural center

We can’t be successful without your generosity. Contact Amy O’Dea with your donation offer.

We're bringing back Experience Donations! Have a hidden talent or have any interest in building connections with other Whittier families in a unique way? Think: singing lessons, cooking classes, photography session, or wine tasting. Donate an experience or host a small group event to include in the Silent Auction here.

We will be collecting donations until April 18. Thanks so much for your participation!

Experience Donation Item Donation

Winter Playdate

Save the Date: PTO Winter Playdate

Save the Date for our Winter PTO Playdate with Flying V Martial Arts!

WHEN: March 3rd (Institute Day), 10:30am-12:30pm

WHERE: Veteran's Room at Oak Park Main Library

WHO: All Grade Levels are Welcome! Parents can either drop off or stay and socialize.

After an hour of punching, kicking, yelling and breaking boards, there will be snacks and crafts to follow. There is limited space so act fast to RSVP here!  

Whittier Recycles

Whittier Recycles!

The Whittier Green Team is helping the Wildcats do their part in creating a cleaner world. We are making recycling easy.

How can you participate? Just grab an extra box at home and start filling it up with any of your used school and home office supplies like: markers, glue sticks, pens, ink cartridges, etc. Then, dump your collection in our recycling box in the front office vestibule — and repeat.

Don’t send it to the landfill, send it to us. Make the commitment to reduce your waste and start recycling with us today!

Interested in making a bigger impact? Volunteer with the Green Team and help us expand our reach to reduce our footprint.

The Rundown: Whittier PTO News

Don't miss our weekly PTO newsletter, The Rundown! It's filled with important information about upcoming events, school news, and opportunities to get involved at Whittier. Subscribe below, and don't miss a thing!

Top News

Black History Month Photos

Share your photos! How are you and your family honoring Black History Month? We’d love to celebrate with you through your stories and photos! Share your photos with us by emailing Your image might even be featured as “Photo of the Week” in an upcoming newsletter! How are you and your family honoring Black History Month? We’d love to celebrate with you through your stories and photos! Share your photos with us by emailing Your image might even be featured as “Photo of the Week” in an upcoming newsletter!

More News


Did you know when you registered at Whittier you became part of the PTO! 

There are many ways to support the Wildcat pack! Whether that is contributing to the PTO financially, attending a PTO meeting, or donating your time and talent.  All help support the mission and positively impact you, your scholar and family.   Find an opportunity below!


Penny's Noodles Oak Park

Thank you to Penny’s Noodle Shop for generously counting all meals (even from Non-Whittier customers) towards our eat and earn fundraiser and donating an extra $200 on top of that to our PTO!

Follow-Up Survey on Navigating the Impact of Devices on Youth

Volunteer Information Station

What is the PTO?
The Whittier Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a non-profit organization run by a volunteer team made up of teachers, staff, parents, and guardians of students attending Whittier Elementary School. The Whittier PTO requires no membership dues. By enrolling in Whittier, you are already part of the PTO!

Our mission is to build connections between families, the school, and the Oak Park community. We are dedicated to promoting academic success and social and emotional growth for all children at Whittier.

In order to fulfill our mission of engagement, enrichment, and advocacy, we fundraise as transparently as possible. Your participation and feedback make that possible! Be sure to keep in touch and tell us what you think!

It’s Nice to Meet You!

2024-25 PTO

Meet the 2024-25 PTO Leadership Team! Be sure to say hello when you see us on the blacktop! We are still looking for few more leads to join the fun. If you’d like to learn more, check out some the open positions for the school year.

Open PTO Leadership Roles

Volunteers Make it Possible

Volunteers are the key to making the school year enriching, engaging, and excellent for our Whittier students. If you plan on volunteering in a classroom, on field trips, or at special events, be sure to sign up for your District 97 background check now, as appointments are limited. Click the link below for more information and to make an appointment.

Background checks remain in the D97 system, so if you’ve already been cleared, you should be ready to volunteer this year!

The PTO is 100% run on volunteer power! Many hands make light work. We are seeking people who can take on any portion of any event in order to lighten to the load and bring fresh energy and ideas.

Please check out all the areas we need volunteer support. Even if you only have an hour to spare, it helps! Check the boxes with your interests, and we will contact you next year when planning the event.

Background Checks Volunteer Opportunities

Paw Store Volunteers are Needed!

PAW Store Volunteers

WHAT: The PAW store provides fun items for students to "purchase" with their PAWS. PAWS are passed out to students exhibiting responsible, respectful and safe behaviors by Whittier staff.

WHY: The PAW store promotes a sense of belonging and engagement for all students across our school building and provides a direct, positive incentive for demonstrating positive behaviors at school.

WHEN: Students "cash in" their PAWS at the store when they shop with their class on the 2nd Friday of each month. Our first PAW store will take place on October 18th!

HOW: We NEED parent volunteers to make the PAW store happen. Please sign up HERE to volunteer!

Whittier Teachers, Staff, and Administration appreciate your help and support!

Spirit Wear Store


The Whittier PTO runs on the generous donations of our community. Donations are always put to good use and we appreciate your support of our efforts!


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