2024-2025 Organizational Chart

Role Name Whittier Email
co-President Christine Pan president2@whittierpto.org
co-President Mike Smith president@whittierpto.org
VP / Staff Appreciation Lead Noemi Mata VP@whittierpto.org
co-VP of Fundraising Amy O'Dea fundraising@whittierpto.org
co-VP of Fundraising Candice Tipton fundraising2@whittierpto.org
co-VP of Enrichment(WISE Lead) Melissa Avila wise@whittierpto.org
WISE co-Lead VACANT wise2@whittierpto.org
co-VP of Enrichment Erin Woods enrichment@whittierpto.org
co-VP DIVCO Beth Peres diversity@whittierpto.org
co-VP DIVCO VACANT diversity2@whittierpto.org
co-VP Engagement Lisa Edelman Karp engagement@whittierpto.org
co-VP Green Initiatives Russell Jaffe greenteam1@whittierpto.org
co-VP Green Initiatives Yvonne Cikanek greenteam2@whittierpto.org
co-VP Communications Rebecca Romano rundown@whittierpto.org
co-VP Communications Jude Santos communication@whittierpto.org
Secretary Nikhil Trivedi secretary@whittierpto.org
Treasurer Chris Murray treasurer@whittierpto.org
Webmaster/Tech Support Chris Mickens webmaster@whittierpto.org
Teacher Grants Megan Starner grants@whittierpto.org
Book Fair Sally McGowan greenteam@whittierpto.org
Book Fair Suzanne Griffin bookfair@whittierpto.org
Book Fair VACANT  
Fun Run Lisa funrun@whittierpto.org
Whittier At The Movies
Whittier At The Movies Cosette Deal  
Yearbook Lisa/Ms. Connell yearbook@whittierpto.org
5th Grade Activities Committee Nicki Huels nickihuels@gmail.com
Lauren/Carlos Castro schrampl@gmail.com
Rachel Port rachelport@gmail.com
Jaclyn Sinclair aclynsinclair13@gmail.com
Anne Montana annekmontana@gmail.com
Elizabeth Lee lizziabe@yahoo.com
Claire Frieling clairefrieling@gmail.com
Sarah Spivy sdspivy@gmail.com
Stephanie Garoza


School Supply Kits Lauren Castro schoolkits@whittierpto.org