Farewell 23-24 School Year! ❤️ Whittier PTO

PTO Co-President's Farewell Address

2023-2024 Whittier PTO Overview

2023-2024 Year in Review

Whittier PTO Year in Review

2023-2024 Annual Report

Budget Review & Plan

The Whittier Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a non-profit organization run by a volunteer team made up of teachers, staff, parents, and guardians of students attending Whittier Elementary School.

Our mission is to build connections between families, the school, and the Oak Park community. We are dedicated to promoting academic success and social and emotional growth for all children at Whittier.

The Whittier PTO requires no membership dues. All teachers, staff, parents, and guardians of students enrolled at Whittier Elementary School are considered members of Whittier PTO.

In order to fulfill our mission of engagement, enrichment, and advocacy, we fundraise as transparently as possible. We try to provide services and goods that are of interest to our community and align with the PTO’s mission.

Please take a moment to review the 2023-2024 Budget Review. It outlines our total fundraising income and our total investments across categories throughout this past school year.

Also, please view the 2024-2025 Budget Plan for next year. It outlines our projected fundraising totals, our predicted investments across categories, and the year over year change in budget allocation. You may notice a shortfall, but this is purposeful. The PTO has surplus funds, outside of our reserves, that have rolled over from prior years. We will present a plan at the start of 2024-2025 school year as we look to continue to spend it down, and reach a balanced budget.

The two budget documents are condensed and organized from our very detailed budget sheet. The current budget was approved by the PTO Board, and approved by the attendees at the PTO Community Gathering on May 16th.

Please direct any questions or comments to president@whittierpto.org.

2023-2024 Budget Review 2024-2025 Budget Plan

Congratulations 5th Graders!

Whittier 5th Grade Clap Out

Whittier 5th Grad Clap Out

Thank you, Whittier Wildcats! We had a wonderful turnout to help celebrate the 5th Graders’ last day at Whittier.

A whole line of parents, families, and friends clapped and cheered for the 5th Graders as they exited the building for their final day as elementary students.

The 5th grade class exited with smiles, waves, and maybe a few tears as they were greeted by so many supporters.

Check out a video of the Clap Out here!

Once a Wildcat, always a Wildcat! We’re so proud of all you accomplished at Whittier. Wishing you success and happiness in your journey ahead!

PTO Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed!

The PTO is 100% run on volunteer power! Many hands make light work. We are seeking people who can take on any portion of any event in order to lighten to the load and bring fresh energy and ideas.

Please check out all the areas we need volunteer support. Even if you only have an hour to spare, it helps! Check the boxes with your interests, and we will contact you next year when planning the event.

Have a little more time to offer? We need leadership positions filled to help shape the direction of the PTO and its efforts.

Remember, volunteers must have a background check on file with District 97. Summer is a good time to check that item off your list so you’re ready to go in the fall! Schedule your appointment here.

Volunteer Interest Form Leadership Positions Background Checks

Adopt a Garden

The Garden Needs You!

We are looking for volunteers to water, weed, and harvest the Whittier Garden over the summer. Adopt the Greenleaf Garden for one-week shifts. It’s fun, it’s easy, it’s delicious! Sign up with a friend and make it a family playdate. Check out the available weeks below.

Sign Up Now!

School Supplies Flyer

School Supplies are Ready to Order!

Parents, the best way to buy school supplies for next year is with our partner, 1st Day School Supplies. Get the exact supplies your teacher requested packaged all in one box.

They only sell the highest quality branded products like Ticonderoga, Elmer's, Crayola, and Fiskars. You will be amazed at how much money you save compared to shopping at Walmart, Target, and Amazon: up to 30%.

Buy your 1st Day School Supplies kit today

Shop Now!

The Rundown: Whittier PTO News

Don't miss our weekly PTO newsletter, The Rundown! It's filled with important information about upcoming events, school news, and opportunities to get involved at Whittier. Subscribe below, and don't miss a thing!

Top News

Juneteenth Cookout

Save the Date: Juneteenth Community Cookout

Click here for COMMUNITY NEWS

More News


Did you know when you registered at Whittier you became part of the PTO! 

There are many ways to support the Wildcat pack! Whether that is contributing to the PTO financially, attending a PTO meeting, or donating your time and talent.  All help support the mission and positively impact you, your scholar and family.   Find an opportunity below!


PTO Feedback

Please Provide Your Feedback

The Whittier PTO is run by parent volunteers. We need your feedback to best provide engaging and meaningful opportunities to our students and families.

Our goals are to build a strongly connected Wildcat community, provide engagement and enrichment opportunities in and out of school, and to advocate for students and families who need additional support.

Please take a moment to reflect on the year by taking this short survey, and let us know what worked and what can be improved. As always, we can be reached directly by emailing president@whittierpto.org, or by filling out this contact form.

Survey Contact

District 97 2024-2025 Calendar

The first day of school is Thursday, August 22nd. Here is a link to the full calendar for next year. Have a safe and happy summer!

District 97 Calendar

PTO RunDown Newsletter

Stay up to date on PTO and school news, events, and activities for Whittier students and our surrounding community.

Whittier, It's Where You Belong!

Thank You To Our Sponsor!

Little Teeth Big Smiles Dentistry


The Whittier PTO runs on the generous donations of our community. Donations are always put to good use and we appreciate your support of our efforts!


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